(Editor’s Note: Alex Buss has been our content specialist for the past year, although she’s been involved in pretty much every project we’ve taken on in that time. She is taking a job with the state of Florida and will be missed immensely, although we have a sneaking suspicion she’ll visit from time to time!)
During the summer of 2017, I was volunteering at the Leon County Humane Society with Sandi when I found out she owned her own PR Company named Bulldog Strategy Group. Soon after the dog wash, Sandi offered me some contract work I just couldn’t pass up. It wasn’t long before I knew this was the workplace for me.
At the time, one of our clients involved working with Florida law enforcement. I did a lot of research on fallen law enforcement officers and the sacrifices they made for our communities. My favorite part was writing social media posts to honor their memories.
We also worked with Lauren’s Kids, an official 501(c)(3). Working with nonprofits is important to me because I know that the intended outcome is for the good of others. My favorite part about Lauren’s Kids was having the opportunity to educate adults and children about sexual abuse prevention through a statewide awareness campaign. My colleagues and I worked very hard to make sure that the message was clear and that everyone in the state was aware of the walk.
My favorite memory at BSG was when we took a trip to the Ocheesee Creamery. One of our amazing clients, Nic Stoltzfus, and his family took us on a tour of the dairy farm. We had a blast petting the calves, picking mulberries and eating fresh homemade ice cream.
The wide variety of clients we have worked with has profoundly diversified my work skills, which I will likely use for the rest of my life. I am grateful for my time and experience with the BSG team!